This Privacy Policy covers the use of the website located at and the services provided by Go2Cosplay, including how we treat personal information that we collect and receive.


Information Collection and How it is Used

Go2Cosplay will not sell or disclose your name or email address to third parties without your explicit consent, except as specified in this Privacy Policy.


Personally identifiable information that may be used to identify you as an individual, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address, or telephone number. We may collect this information in a number of ways on this Site, including, but not limited to, the newsletter form, as well as the comments form and email messages to any email address.


NON-Personally identifiable information that does not by itself identify a specific individual. We may collect this information in a number of ways on this Site, including, but not limited to, how you use this Site, such as resources browsed, searched and downloaded, the frequency and duration of visits, and your source IP address.


We may use information you provide to us for a variety of purposes, including to process and fulfill your transactions, such as purchases, refunds and exchanges; to contact you about new products, services, special events and promotions, unless you have opted out as described below; to conduct contests, sweepstakes and promotions, if you signed up to participate; to help us learn about your shopping preferences; to help us improve our websites, stores, products and services; and to enhance your shopping experience. We may combine any information collected about you in stores with that collected through our websites in order to enhance and personalize your shopping experience, and for promotional purposes.


Your Personal and Payment Information is Safe

Whenever you provide any personal or payment information (e.g., when making a purchase), we use SSL technology to make sure that it is "encrypted" (all scrambled up) so that no one else can read it while it is being transmitted over the Internet, and all information is safely stored behind our firewall. Cookies

When you use we will store cookies on your computer in order to facilitate and customize your use of our site. A cookie is a small data text file, which a Web site stores on your computer's hard drive (if your Web browser permits) that can later be retrieved to identify you to These cookies store randomly assigned user identification numbers and the country where you are located. Our cookies make your use of the site easier, allow you to retrieve an earlier shopping cart, make the site run more smoothly, and help us to maintain a secure site.


We use cookies only to help identify you when you visit our store and to customize your experience. The cookies make your use of the site easier, allow you to retrieve an earlier shopping cart, make the site run more smoothly and help us to maintain a secure site. You will be unable to shop on our site without your browser set to accept cookies.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

Go2Cosplay may update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to your email address. If there are material changes to this Privacy Policy, Go2Cosplay will notify the users of such changes using the personally identifiable information collected on this Site.