Best Naruto Movie July 13, 2021For me, the best Naruto movie is "The Last", it explained the most important thing that ignored in the manga and anime: when Naruto learn the true feeling with Hinata? And after...
Some feedback photos of the loki staff July 1, 2021Here are some feedback photos of the loki staff we made~ As you can see, the staff is detachable, so it'll safe during shipping. Also, it's a lighable staff,...
Show some Fire Force Arthur Boyle Replica Excalibur feedback photos June 29, 2021Once again, a customer share here photos with us and leave some words to us too: "It's So Good!! It Came So Fast And Safely Wrapped!! I couldn't be happier,...
Feedback photos for the Wano Country Arc Nico Robin Cospaly June 27, 2021Here are some Feedback photos for the Wano Country Arc Nico Robin Cospaly, the customer love the costume and she looks amazing while wearing it, also, she agree to show her...